The Rules for Fight Gone Bad

Posted on 24 May 2009 by Scott

The CrossFit workout is ‘Fight Gone Bad.’ In this workout you spend one minute at each of five stations, resulting in a a five-minute round after which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. This event calls for three rounds. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of ‘rotate,’ the athletes must move to the next station immediately. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower, where each calorie is one point. The stations are:

  1. Wall-ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
  2. Sumo deadlift high-pull (Reps)
  3. Box jump (Reps)
  4. Push-press (Reps)
  5. Row (Calories)
  • To compete in the workout, all participants must complete each of the following:
  1. Register with their local CrossFit Affiliate by Wednesday, September 23, 2009
  2. Register at by Wednesday, September 23, 2009
  3. Raise $150 or more in pledges by 6 am PDT on Sunday, September 27, 2009
  4. All donations counting toward the awards must be received by 5 pm PDT on Monday, September 28, 2009
  • The four divisions are:
  1. Class A: Standard Men = 75lb push-press and sumo deadlift high pull, 20lb wall- ball and 20 inch box jump
  2. Class B: Modified Men/Standard Women = 55lb push-press and sumo deadlift high pull, 14lb wall-ball and 20 inch box Jump
  3. Class C: Intermediate = 35lb push-press and sumo deadlift high pull, 8lb wall-ball and 20 inch box Jump (step ups are okay)
  4. Class D: Beginner/Kids = 15lb push-press and sumo deadlift high pull, 4lb wall-ball (can be lowered to 8 foot target) and 10 inch box jumps

14 Comments For This Post

  1. T Says:

    Question: “Is it still considered RX, if one does the 75lbs Push Press behind the neck (full lock out, of course), instead of doing it in front?” At the Norcal Qualifiers for example it was optional for the “A. WOD” to do the Push Press (165lbs) in front or behind the Neck.

  2. GT Says:

    as far as donations, we just take a flat amount?
    and if so who are the checks made out to?
    just trying to relay all the info to a few people interested at my gym.
    thanks in advance.

  3. Bobbi Says:


    You may collect donations in any amount or you may donate $150 yourself to earn your t-shirt. You may collect donations online through your personal fundraising page or collect check donations to mail in.
    Make checks payable to Sportsgrants, we are the 501c3 nonprofit organization that produces FGB IV.
    Please accompany your check donations with the Donation Form available for download under DOWNLOADS. All the info you need is on there.
    Thanks for your questions.


  4. Matthew Bahosh Says:

    Ok, so I’m stationed overseas and would like to make a flat donation because of course I’m not able to travel due to military duties. I need to print out a donation form make the check out to Sportsgrants and send it in? Sounds easy enough and If I make a donation of 150 or more I’ll get a T-Shirt? That sounds really sweet.

  5. Bernadette Says:

    How do I know which of the four (3) divisions I belong in?

  6. Scott Says:

    The divisions are divided by weight category… so depending on how much you can lift/press.

  7. Scott Says:

    First of all, thank you for your service. Second… you may wanna check out doing your own FGB4 there? You can register with an APO address and form a team if you’d like. If not, to get a tee you’d still need to register as a new team (even if you are the sole member) and donate to yourself (either with a credit card online or a check made payable to SPORTSGRANTS). Tees are for our participants, not donors, so we’d wanna make sure you were on the list to get one.

    Thanks for supporting the cause and take care!

  8. C3 Says:

    - Who scores the event?
    - where do we submit the scores?
    - where will the scores be posted?
    - are there awards to the highest scores?

    Lastly, just to make sure I understand, the fundraiser is not like a walkathon/runnathon format where people pledge a certain donation for every meter I run. For example, “My father agrees to pledge 10 cents for every rep I do on the Sep. 26 FGB event.”
    Rather the fundraiser and actual execution of the FGB workout are independent of each other? Meaning, donations are made irregardless if the team participates in the workout or not. The reason I ask is that alot of people that will be donating are asking me, “Sooo, if there is not ‘pledging’ involved, what’s the connection between you guys doing FGB and me donating?” and “Is there a competition aspect amongst affiliates on getting the highest FGB score, do you guys get awards for getting the highest score, etc.?”. I just want to make sure I’m saying the right thing to folks out there. Thanks.

  9. Scott Says:

    Your box is responsible for scoring the event. We all go by the honor system.

    We’ve tried a few times to add in a competitive aspect to scoring (video submissions, etc.) and found it too impossible to verify accuracy of form/technique/equipment standards. Therefore, this year awards are based solely on fundraising. We may add in a writeboard so folks can share scores just for bragging rights. Feel free to give your input.

    You are correct that the fundraising has no correlation to actual performance of FGB. There are no pledges. Donors are supporting the cause and the charities with what they can give upfront. The event, then, is a culmination of our efforts leading up to 9/26/09. It’s a day we can all come together as a community and make something powerful happen.

    Make sense?

  10. drron Says:

    For class B are stepups ok or do i need to go down to class c. I can do the lifts for class b but not box jumps due to achilles concerns

  11. Scott Says:

    Hey, there! Sorry to take so long, but needed to check with HQ. Official answer is that there are no changes permitted to a class. If you aren’t able to perform the class requirements “as is”, then you should adjust down. Hope that helps!

  12. drron Says:

    OK Class C it is!!Thanks for checking!!

  13. John O Says:

    I have $200.00 raised, hoping for more by Saturday.
    How am I supposed to get all donations in by Monday to qualify?
    Do I turn donations into my affiliate? Does that count or do they have to be in to FGB office?

  14. Scott Says:

    Hey, John! Great job on the donations. You’ve already qualified for a t-shirt, so you’ve already “qualified”… We’ll be awarding highest fundraising awards based on what we receive by end of day Monday, but will certainly be receiving donations for several weeks to come.

    To send in any donations, go to DOWNLOADS section (top menu bar of Home Page), click DONATION FORM, print it out, fill it in, and send it in with any checks you have received.

    Thanks for being a part of Fight Gone Bad!

1 Trackbacks For This Post

  1. Jim vs. Fight Gone Bad IV « Jim vs. Says:

    [...] 26, 2009 · Leave a Comment Well, it’s done. Here’s the official description of the workout: In this workout you spend one minute at each of five stations, resulting in a five-minute round [...]

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