NEWSFLASH-Oakley Offering Special Edition FGB IV Glasses

Posted on 05 August 2009 by Scott

Our friends at Oakley are offering to make a custom Fight Gone Bad IV Gas Can sunglass complete with the FGB IV logo etched in the lens. Because there is a minimum order involved, we need to know if you’re interested. The glasses retail for $119 plus S&H. For FGB IV fundraisers the price is $90 plus S&H and $20 from each pair goes to the cause courtesy of Oakley.

If you want a pair, let us know by leaving a comment on this post. We’ll wait a week and if you’re all up for it, we’ll get ‘em made.”


77 Comments For This Post

  1. cperry2942 Says:

    Im in for a pair.

  2. sdemaria Says:

    Absolutely, I want a pair!!

  3. crossfit pittsburgh Says:

    mike @ crossfit pittsburgh is in for one pair.
    passing the word to all CF Pittsburgers ASAP.
    this is a great idea!

  4. misternegative Says:

    I’m in!!

  5. rsalameh Says:

    ummm….hell yeah!!

  6. sgibson2001 Says:

    I am very interested and I would definitely buy a pair at the $90 price if made available.

  7. diffs13 Says:

    I’m interested.

  8. ONDEG Says:

    I’m in.

  9. Says:

    I want me a pair of these!

  10. mokurai65 Says:

    Oh, heck yes. I’m in.

  11. wtc81 Says:

    I’d be down.

  12. Andrew Says:

    Sounds like a great thing, sign me up!

  13. lakem Says:

    I am interested in a pair!

  14. my3sons.ethan Says:

    I would buy a pair.

  15. Jay Ashman Says:

    I’m all for it

  16. paa1758 Says:

    Yes, I wouldl like to get a pair.

  17. eric Says:


  18. elrasto Says:

    I’m in.

  19. gastopher Says:

    I would like a pair

  20. Centurion CrossFit Says:

    Definitely, sign me up!!

  21. gunnslinger21 Says:

    Sign me up, I want a pair!

  22. albanycrossfit Says:

    I would like a pair (or two).

  23. smaxberry Says:

    I want a pair

  24. Matthew Bahosh Says:

    I’m interested in a pair of the FGB IV Gas Can Oakleys

  25. mwhities Says:

    I’ll take two of them. Will these be polarized?

  26. firepowerchris Says:

    Love a pair…out of Toronto hope you can do Canadian orders as well

  27. slamanna34 Says:

    What is the minimum order? I am interested.

  28. slamanna34 Says:

    I commented earlier. I will definitely buy a pair if they are made. I’m going on a trip for two weeks and may not have access to a computer, but I want to be counted in if those are made.

  29. Ed H Says:

    I’m in for a pair of these.

  30. Matthew Bahosh Says:

    So how do we get a pair of these shades?

  31. sgibson2001 Says:

    Is this going to happen? How many do you need to make the minimum order?

  32. Izaik Says:

    I’ll take one.

  33. megkiktar3 Says:

    Yes I want a pair!

  34. jlohrman Says:

    Definitely interested. How do i get them?

  35. anneCFES Says:

    Yes- I’d like 2 pairs. Thanks, Oakley!

  36. Chris Elliott Says:

    I would be up for getting a pair.

  37. Scott Says:

    We’ll post a Google store item on our site shortly where you can purchase online. We wanted to get an idea of how many folks wanted them before we placed an order. Glad you like them! They are pretty awesome.

  38. Scott Says:

    Definitely happening! We are sending out a final email blast tonight to get a better sense of how many to order. Glasses are all set to go into production- just waiting for a quantity to fulfill. We’ll get a Google store item up on our site so you can purchase, and then get them shipped out by the beginning of September.

  39. Scott Says:

    Look for an upcoming store link on our site to purchase…

  40. Scott Says:

    Look for the upcoming store link on our site so you can purchase.

  41. Scott Says:

    We’re well above the min order in interest, so we’re good to go. Got a sample in the mail the other day and they look rad!

  42. Scott Says:

    Of course! May add a tad to shipping, but well worth it.

  43. Scott Says:

    Nope- that would make them about $250 retail. We’ll be selling these at a huge FGB4 discount at $90 plus shipping.

  44. Scott Says:

    Cool! Check out the upcoming store link to purchase… will be up in a few days.

  45. CrossFitBuilt Says:

    excellent. i’m in.

  46. William Says:

    is it still too late to get a pair or not? cause if not im in.

  47. Scott Says:

    Not too late! Actually, we’re just taking an interest poll right now so we can order enough pairs. Look for the option to buy on our site coming soon!

  48. radialx Says:

    I’m In!!!

  49. amiller738 Says:

    Sign me up. A great cause

  50. Justin Says:

    Are these polarized? Can we get them that way? Can we get them in white?


  51. Greg Says:

    Yes, I am interested!

  52. timg Says:

    Just show me where to order!

  53. dwroop Says:

    I def want a pair and I am pretty sure several people at the country club would be interested in this as well!!

  54. dirtygreaser Says:

    I’ll take two please.

  55. runbuck Says:

    I would like 2 pair please!

  56. davidsilva Says:

    I’d like to buy a pair. Also, how do we get the T-Shirt? My affiliate is not doing the FGB but I would like to participate.
    Thank you.

  57. Todd R Says:

    How do we go about ordering a pair of these bad boys and get them in time?

  58. Scott Says:

    Just finalizing the details. Look for a store on our site coming soon. We promise you won’t miss it! We’ll have Oakleys in-hand 9/7 and will start shipping out asap. You’ll have them in plenty of time to look bad for the event.

  59. Scott Says:

    Look for the store item on our site soon to get the shades.

    Tees are just for participants… but we hope you will join us so you can get yours!! For the tees, you would have to do the following:

    1. Register as your own team, or join someone else’s team.
    2. Fundraise a minimum of $150.
    3. You’ll automatically get the tee. We ship to all team captains after the event to save literally thousands on shipping. So you wanna join a team that is close to you where you can get your tee.

  60. Scott Says:

    Look for the store item on our site, coming soon!

  61. Scott Says:

    Cool! We’ll have the store item on our site this week. You can spread the word and buy them directly. Can’t wait.

  62. Scott Says:

    We’ll have it to buy on our site this week.

  63. Scott Says:

    Sorry, Justin. Not polarized. For $90, are you kidding? That would be quite a price. And Oakley is customizing these for Fight Gone Bad, not for each person. They are black. They are rad. Hope you like ‘em.

  64. Chris Elliott Says:

    Is there any way to get these in Canada?

  65. Amber Says:

    I’m totally down. Can’t wait to get a pair!

  66. Scott Says:

    Did you check out the store option on our homepage? You can buy them now, while they’re hot!

  67. Scott Says:

    Absolutely- if international shipping is off the hook, we may ask you to pay the actual additional cost. You can purchase on our homepage now!

  68. rickeygawley Says:

    I’ll order a pair


  69. sgibson2001 Says:

    I’ve ordered mine! Just curious, when do you expect to ship them out? Thanks for doing this!!

  70. dld Says:

    I’m in!

  71. Scott Says:

    We should get these all out in the next day or so… and you should receive by the middle of next week!

  72. Scott Says:

    Cool! You can click on the store item on our homepage to purchase!

  73. Justin Says:

    thanks. I have to have polarized, that is why i was asking. and yah i thought that would be an awesome deal if they were polarized. guess i will just have to custom order me some.


  74. sharon Says:

    a bit late to the game, but would be interested in a few pair. Looks like you can order them online?

  75. Scott Says:

    Just going through the orders now and saw yours! It will be shipped on Monday. I have 8 pairs left for sale, so great timing!

  76. vpmartinez 505 Says:

    I would love a pair!!! Can I still order or do have to go through a retailer.

  77. Scott Says:

    We’ve sold out, I’m afraid… but be on the look out next season!

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