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Raise Money With a Chimp?

Posted on 09 September 2009 by Scott



    17 Days left until FGB IV. Every year this is where the fun really begins. Fun for us, not so fun for the guys at Walter Reed and the Mayo Clinic wondering if we’re going to come through with the $1.2 million all of us have been talking about since December.

      This is a pretty unique solution to emailing your friends, family and anyone in your contact list. It’s being used by more than a few Crossfitter’s who’ve raised more than $1000 so far.

        You can sign on to MailChimp for a 30 day free trial, upload every contact you have, and hit them all with your fundraising link in a cool email format with one click. The whole thing takes about 10 minutes to set up and run. No credit cards, no contracts, just a real free trial.

          To sign up go to:

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