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The Sportsgrants Foundation

Posted on 20 May 2009 by Scott

The Sportsgrants Foundation is an independent 501c3 charitable organization that creates, produces and fundraises through innovative sports and fitness events benefiting charitable organizations. The organization was founded by Scott Zagarino of Athletes for a Cure in order to create more effective, efficient events. This is accomplished in two ways:

1. The Sportsgrants Foundation parses event production expenses from all of the other expenses a modern foundation must pay before money can go to services.

2. We create a “net donation.” Simply put, when the thousands of Crossfitters are done, we pay for the t-shirts and posters, then write a check to each charity. Three staff members and as little overhead as we can operate with. It sounds like the way it should be done, but as of this writing, we’re the only ones doing it.

In order to raise and distribute funds more efficiently, this year Fight Gone Bad will be produced by The Sportsgrants Foundation for three key reasons:

1. The Sportsgrants Foundation operates as one of the only nonprofit event production companies in the US. We retain just 10% of the event proceeds to cover overhead as opposed to a nonprofit industry standard of Fee + 25-75% of all funds raised.

2. We operate at zero expense to the charities. If either or both of the beneficiaries of this year’s event took on the production cost, added the expense of their staff time and overhead, far less would reach the researchers, families and soldiers than any of us would like. We take the risk, and we believe the people we serve are worth it.

3. We are able to create partnerships between organizations that were previously unheard of in the nonprofit world because we are essentially creating two big donations at no expense to the charity, AND with 25 years of experience everyone gets a first-rate event.

We believe in the ideals of philanthropy. We don’t believe that nonprofit is a “sector,” or a “business.” Fight Gone Bad IV will be the bigger than any previous edition, and by shifting the expense burden to The Sportsgrants Foundation, rather than the foundations we serve, FGB IV will also be the most efficient event of its size ever conducted in the US.

For more information go to: http://sportsgrants.org

In 2007, charitable organizations spent $1.33 for every $1.00 received in eventfundraising revenue (1), making organized events the most inefficient form of charitable fundraising. Sportsgrants has a different vision – one with a better road to a profitable end result. Our model shifts the event fundraising paradigm by creating, producing and fundraising sports events independently – at little or no cost – to our grant recipients.

We’ve successfully produced over 100 events and programs, raising over $5 million for charity.

(1) Charity Navigator 2007 – Special Event Study


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